Can You Add Salt to Homemade Dog Food? All You Need to Know

As a pet owner, you definitely want your dog to get the best nutritious food. To ensure the best, you must consider providing homemade food. But when preparing food at home, the first thing that comes in your mind is spices. In that case, it is quite natural to have a question to solve regarding salt in dog’s food. ‘Can you add salt to homemade dog food?’ is a relevant problem to be solved.

Salt is a common ingredient in human food, but can it be given to dog food? Is it safe for dogs? In today’s post, we will find answers to these questions. If yes, how much can I give? If not, why not give it or any alternative ideas.

We will also try to find answers to few questions related to salt in dog food that commonly come to the mind of dog owners.

Understanding Salt in a Dog’s Diet

Salt, or sodium chloride, is an essential mineral for both humans and dogs. It helps maintain fluid balance, supports nerve function, and aids in muscle contraction. However, dogs require far less salt than humans, and too much can lead to health problems.

When preparing homemade dog food, it’s important to strike the right balance. While a small amount of salt is generally safe, excessive salt intake can cause dehydration, high blood pressure, and even sodium ion poisoning in severe cases.

Can You Add Salt to Homemade Dog Food?

Sodium salt can be added to prepared dog food, but the amount should be very small. Most commercial dog foods contain just the right amount of sodium for your dog’s needs. If you like to cook for your dog at home, you may not need to add extra salt. However, if you do want to add salt, use it sparingly. A pinch is usually enough, and it is best to choose natural, unrefined salts such as sea salt or Himalayan pink salt. Avoid salts with added iodine baking agents as these can be particularly harmful to dogs.

Risks of Adding Too Much Salt to Dog Food

A small amount of salt in food will not cause any harm to your dog, but too much salt can cause health problems for your dog. Here are some of the possible health problems that can occur if your dog eats too much salt with their food: 

can you add salt to homemade dog food
  1. Dehydration: Excess salt can cause dehydration in your dog because too much salt can cause dehydration in your dog.
  2. Sodium Ion Poisoning: If the amount of sodium is too high, a condition called sodium poisoning can occur in dogs, with symptoms including vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, and seizures. In severe cases, this can be fatal.
  3. High Blood Pressure: Just like in humans, excessive salt can raise your dog’s blood pressure, increasing the risk of heart disease.

To avoid these risks, always consult your vet before adding salt to your dog’s food.

Healthy Alternatives to Salt in Dog Food

When making homemade dog food, health should be the top priority, and if you want to do that, focus on the following: 

  • Bone Broth: Bone growth is a nutrient that helps your bone-blocking. It enhances the flavor of your dog’s food. Also adds moisture that helps to maintain water balance in the dog’s body. Overall, it is a highly nutritious and essential fluid for dogs.
  • Herbs: Some herbs are essential for dogs, such as parsley, basil, and oregano. They are safe for dogs and greatly enhance the flavor of dog food, which your dog will love. 
  • Vegetables: Vegetables Add several vegetables to dog food, such as carrots, sweet potatoes, and green beans. These not only enhance the flavor of your dog’s food, but also provide essential nutrients.

Add all of these food ingredients when you are preparing food for your dog. They not only provide additional health benefits, but also make the food tasty. If your dog is a picky eater, then also it will like the food.

How Much Salt is Safe for Dogs?

The Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) recommends that dry dog ​​foods contain at least 0.3% sodium for food preservation and 0.45% sodium for reproduction and growth. Veterinarian David Elbeze, DVM, MRCVS suggested to have 0.3 to 0.5% of sodium content in dog’s food. Keep this ratio in mind when making homemade dog food. 

As a general rule, limit your dog’s daily salt intake to less than 100 milligrams for small dogs and up to 200 milligrams for large breed dogs. This amount of salt may vary slightly depending on your dog’s age, weight, and health status. Always consult your veterinarian for customized food for your pet-child.

Tips for Preparing Homemade Dog Food

Here are some things to keep in mind when making homemade dog food: 

  1. Balance is Key: Make sure your dog’s food contains the right amount of essential nutrients like protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats.
  2. Avoid Harmful Ingredients: Some ingredients are very harmful to dogs, such as onions, garlic, chocolate, grapes, etc. So avoid them as much as possible when making dog food because although they are delicious, they are harmful and toxic to dogs.
  3. Consult Your Vet: Always consult your veterinarian before making any changes to your dog’s diet or before deciding to prepare food at home for your dog. Consulting with a veterinarian will help you ensure that your dog’s food contains the nutrients they need and is safe for them.
  4. Monitor Portions: If the decision to make homemade dog food or make any changes to his diet is the first step, the second step must be to monitor the effects of this change. Be aware of whether the dog is being overfed. Even if his food contains a lot of healthy ingredients, observe whether the dog’s appetite for this food increases and if other health problems arise.


I hope I have given you a fairly clear idea by now about whether salt should be added to dog food. In short, you can definitely add salt to dog food, but it is very important to be careful about the amount. Dogs have a limited need for salt and that need needs to be met through their food. Consult your veterinarian and use all the healthy options available to improve their diet. It is also very important to keep in mind the dog’s nutrition as well as his health problems or their elimination, if any.

FAQs About Adding Salt to Homemade Dog Food

Is salt bad for dogs?

Overall, salt is not bad for your dog, but it should be limited to a certain amount. Small amounts of salt are safe for dogs and even necessary for their health.

Can dogs have sea salt or Himalayan salt?

Sea salt and Himalayan pink salt are of course natural salts and are much safer alternatives to processed table salt. However, you should still keep an eye on your family when feeding them.

What are the symptoms of salt poisoning in dogs?

The most common symptoms of salt poisoning in dogs include vomiting, diarrhea, excessive thirst, lethargy, tremors, and seizures. If you suspect that your dog has salt poisoning, consult your veterinarian immediately and take appropriate action.

Should I add salt to my dog’s homemade food?

It is not very important to add salt to food when preparing it at home. All the foods we prepare at home naturally contain enough sodium. If you do add salt, do it sparingly.

What are some low-sodium alternatives for dog food?

Fresh vegetables, herbs, bone broth, etc. improve the quality of your dog’s food while also helping to balance the sodium in dog food and keep it within a range.

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